《机电工程》杂志,月刊( 详细... )

中国标准连续出版物号 ISSN 1001-4551 CN 33-1088/TH
主编陈 晓
副 主 编唐任仲、罗向阳(执行主编)
总 经 理罗向阳
出 版浙江《机电工程》杂志社有限公司
地 址杭州市上城区延安路95号浙江省机电集团大楼二楼211、212室
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作者:王勇,王万良 日期:2010-03-26/span> 浏览:4013 查看PDF文档


(浙江工业大学 信息工程学院,浙江 杭州 310032)


A routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks based on Sink mobility
WANG Yong, WANG Wan-liang
(College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China)
Abstract: Energy problem is one of the most important issues to the design of routing algorithms for wireless sensor networks. By reducing the hops and data quantity in data transmission, the lifetime of nodes can be prolonged, and the communication is guaranteed. But, in the Sink’s vicinity, the nodes will be exhausted easily because of high traffic load. Aiming at this problem, a new routing algorithm supporting Sink mobility based on residual energy distribution was presented. With the energy distribution information gathered by the residual energy scan algorithm, the Sink’s movement was decided to balance the traffic load. And the redundant data was reduced by data aggregation in the event area. The results indicate that this routing algorithm has obvious advantage in conserving energy and decreasing data transmission comparing to MintRoute.
Key words: wireless sensor networks; routing; Sink mobility; data aggregation; residual energy
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